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Our Story

The International Dance Professionals Association was founded in New York City with the purpose of providing access to a curated community that enables professional dancers, teachers and academies to share resources and network beyond their geographic location. IDPA is headed by a group of consolidated figures from different countries and guided by the principle to enhance our noble profession.

Our Mission

We exist to push boundaries and help our members achieve new levels of success. The International Dance Professionals Association is a consolidated organization dedicated to promote and elevate dance across all platforms and territories.

Some of our key objectives include:

Providing networking and community building opportunities for members.
Acting as an artistic think tank for academic and individual members.
Organizing and promoting professional dance competitions and events.
Granting official IDPA certifications to leading dancers, schools and companies.
Granting official IDPA approved diplomas to successful dance students.
Creating opportunities and collaboration agreements with third parties.

IDPA Values

Our organization is guided by five core values: integrity, sportsmanship, tolerance, respect and discipline.

These values set the tone and code of conduct for all our members as well as our executive staff.

The Global Standard

The International Dance Professionals Association guides, supports and facilitates dance related activities around the world.

Our members are expected to uphold the global standard, committing to quality standards, values and the moral code guiding this respected institution.

IDPA Members are expected to project a respectable image at all times
IDPA Members are expected to pursue self-education and actualization programs
IDPA Members are expected to display unbiased sportsmanship at any competition
IDPA Members are expected to treat each other as colleagues and allies

By observing these guidelines we ensure the most positive membership experience possible.

Benefits for Professionals

Being an IDPA Member provides unparalleled benefits within the international dance community:

Official IDPA Member badge and membership card
Official IDPA Member digital certification badge for website and social media
Right to request official IDPA approved diplomas
Listing of professional profile and resume within IDPA Members directory
Access to real time support and counseling from IDPA executives
Special considerations for collaboration projects with other international members
Special discount rates for select items and events
Monthly newsletter

Membership applications

Certain requirements apply for potential IDPA members.


If you are interested in becoming an official IDPA member please contact us.

New York City
390 Park Avenue, 7th Floor 10022
T. +1(310)993-2392